

  • EmbedRelatedString( cTitle, cString, cMIMEType, AFRelationship, nOptions ) => Embeds (attach) a file to the PDF.
cTitle : A unique title for this file. No two files can have the same title. If a file with this title already exists in the document the new file will not be embedded.
cString : a character string with the contents to be embeded.
cMIMEType : The optional MIME type of the file, for example "text/xml" for an XML file. See http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ for a full list of MIME types. If the MIME type is not known it can be set to an empty string.
AFRelationship : The relationship between the embedded file and the document. Can be one of "Data", "Source", "Alternative", "Supplement" or "Unspecified".
nOptions :      0 = Regular embedding
          1 = ZUGFeRD mode
Return values
false (.f.) - The string could not be embedded
true (.t.) - The string was embedded successfully